Africa InnovaTech Engineering -AIE- is rated 3 out of 5 in the category information technology and services. Read and write reviews about Africa InnovaTech Engineering -AIE-. Africa InnovaTech Engineering (AIE) is an international company specializing in the design, implementation and management of engineering solutions in IT, Telecom, Energy, Robotics and Security. AIE is present in Africa and Europa. Its Africa Offica is located in Burkina Faso. The Europe Offica is based in the Netherlands. AIE work in all African countries and the Netherlands in Europa. We deploy innovative engineering solutions based on the needs of our customers every day. Our solutions take into account the usage environment, the level of end users and also the IT investment strategy of the company. By choosing AIE, you benefit from a high level of expertise and expert advice adapted to your profession. Our experience is strong with a hundred references: SMEs, SMIs, Industrial sites, Mining sites, NGOs, Large companies, Construction, Universities, Governments. Today AIE appears as a major player in the field of engineering solutions in Africa.
Company size
1-10 employees